Accordance 14 Bible Software: Basic Starter Edition Review
Accordance 14 is available for MacOS and Windows. This is a review of the Basic Starter Edition and how it compares with Logos Bible Software.

Accordance Bible Software was first launched in 1994 and designed to be a robust tool for biblical studies, especially for scholars and students interested in original language research. Accordance 14, its latest iteration, was released in December 2022. For Mac and Windows PCs, Accordance 14 remains one of the best Bible Software for desktop computers.
Let me review the content included in Accordance 14 Basic Starter Edition ($49).
Content in Basic Starter in Accordance 14
A. Bible Translations with Key Word Tagging
- English Standard Version (ESV) with Strong’s Numbers
- King James Version (KJV) with Strong’s Numbers
The ESV with key word tagging is such a useful feature. You can view the ESV as an interlinear. You can triple click any word to amplify and see its meaning. The only thing missing to complete your basic Bible study library is a good Study Bible with study notes.
- American Standard Version (ASV) - one of the best formal equivalent English translations.
The ASV is an excellent literal English translation that can complement the ESV for Bible study.
B. Cross References
- Treasure of Scripture Knowledge, Enhanced
Complete with over 500,000 Scripture references and parallel passages, this reference work contains the most exhaustive listing of biblical cross references available anywhere.
C. Word (Lexical) Study
- Strong’s Greek Dictionary
- Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary
Hovering over the word gives instant details to the underlying Greek and Hebrew word and definitions in your default Greek and Hebrew dictionary.
- Mounce’s Concise Greek-English Dictionary
- Kohlenberger/Mounce Concise Hebrew-Aramaic Dictionary
Mounce Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament includes all the Greek words that occur in the standard Greek New Testament. It is organized in alphabetic Greek order, and lists the GK and Strong’s number for each entry. Audio Links have been added according to the Greek Strong’s Number. Mounce’s Greek–English Dictionary is my favorite concise Greek Dictionary, and the Hebrew–Aramaic dictionary (includes all words represented in the Old Testament) is equally excellent for Hebrew and Aramaic.
- Textus Receptus with Strong’s numbering
The text of the Greek New Testament is based upon the Stephanus’ 1550 edition of the Greek New Testament which was used by the translators of the King James Version. This module is tagged with Strong’s numbers to enable searching for every occurrence of a lexical form, amplifying to other Key-numbered texts, and to lexicons, etc.
The Textus Receptus is a great starting Greek New Testament text for beginning Greek students. The interlinear function of Accordance 14 allows the Textus Receptus to make an excellent reverse interlinear.
D. Bible Commentaries
- New Bible Commentary
- Jamieson, Faust, and Brown’s Commentary on the Bible
The New Bible Commentary is one of my favorite one–volume Bible commentaries. For 40 years, the New Bible Commentary has set the standard for works of its kind. Now in this completely revised fourth edition (including over 80% new and updated material), the New Bible Commentary is positioned to maintain its standing as the leading one-volume commentary on the whole Bible well into the 21st century. It is modern and very solid.
E. Bible Dictionary
- Easton’s Bible Dictionary (an excellent starter Bible dictionary)
Easton’s Bible Dictionary provides informative explanations of histories, people and customs of the Bible. It contains nearly 4,000 entries and is an excellent and readily understandable source of information for the student and layperson.
F. Topical Study Tools
- Nave’s Topical Bible (perfect for topical Bible studies)
Accordance Mobile App for iOS and Android
Accordance has a free mobile app that runs on Android and iOS devices (Apple iPhones and iPads). Almost all your library resources in Accordance 14 will run on Accordance Mobile. It has the best Bible search engine available for any mobile platform. When you purchase additional content for Accordance 14, it automatically becomes available on Accordance Mobile.
5 Reasons I Recommend Accordance 14
1. It is fast.
Most searches in Accordance display instantaneously on my laptop. The same searches using Logos Bible Software take longer to enter, and the computer processing time of a Logos search may require 3-10 seconds.
2. It is easy to use.
Logos Bible Software is another advanced Bible software available today. Unfortunately, it is quite complicated. Accordance 14 is extremely easy to use. Using Accordance as an electronic concordance is quick and simple. Greek and Hebrews word searches using Strong’s numbering is easy.
Timothee Minard posted a recent comparison between Accordance 13 and Logos 8.
3. It is powerful.
Bible scholars William Mounce and Dan Wallace both use Accordance Bible software for their study. Accordance’s graphic search construct engine enables the most powerful morphological and syntactical search available, even surpassing Logos. You to do morphological and syntactical searches, you need to purchase syntax databases and original texts with morphological tagging as an add–on.
4. It is expandable.
Accordance Bible Software, at its core, is a Bible software engine. Should you want to grow your study library to include more advanced Bible study tools (especially original language tools), you can do that with Accordance.
5. Support is excellent.
The team that makes Accordance Bible software is small compared to other companies like OliveTree and Faithlife (Logos Bible Software). But they are extremely responsive. When I post a question on the forums or send an e-mail asking for help, I get a very personal helpful response in less than 1 business day.
Final Thoughts on Accordance 14
I have been a Logos Bible Software user since the late 1990s. I have spent thousands of dollars in Logos Bible Software in the last 25 years, and I still use it regularly, especially with the new AI tools for search and summarizing my Christian book library. I started using version 7 of Accordance Bible software back in 2007.
For new Bible students looking for their first serious Bible software, I recommend Accordance 14. You will never outgrow the power and simplicity of Accordance 14.
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