Biblical Dogmatics
An outline of reformed systematic theology summarizing the works of John Calvin, Herman Bavinck, Louis Berkhof, R.C Sproul, and Joel Beeke.
I. Prolegomena
- What Is Theology? - This article defines theology, the branches of theology, the loci of theology, and assumptions made in systematic theology.
- The Purpose and Practice of Theology - This article reviews the purpose of theology, common objections to theology, and the spiritual requirements and practical methods to do theology.
- General Revelation and Natural Theology - This article covers divine revelation with a focus on general revelation and what knowledge is revealed through God's creation and man's conscience.
- Special Revelation
- Inspiration and Authority of Scripture
- Infallibility and Inerrancy
- Canonicity
- Scripture and Authority
II. Theology Proper
- Knowledge of God
- One in Essence
- Three in Person
- Incommunicable Attributes
- Communicable Attributes
- The Will of God
- Providence
III. Anthropology
- Creatio Ex Nihilo
- Angels and Demons
- The Creation of Man
- The Nature of Sin
- Original Sin
- Transmission of Sin
- The Covenants
IV. Christology
- The Christ of the Bible
- One Person, Two Natures
- The Names of Christ
- The States of Christ
- The Offices of Christ
- Why Did Christ Die?
- Substitutionary Atonement
- The Extent of the Atonement
V. Pneumatology
- The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
- The Holy Spirit in the New Testament
- The Paraclete
- The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- The Gifts of the Spirit
- The Fruit of the Spirit
- Are Miracles for Today?
VI. Soteriology
- Common Grace
- Election and Reprobation
- Effectual Calling
- Justification by Faith Alone
- Saving Faith
- Adoption and Union with Christ
- Sanctification
- Perseverance of the Saints
VII. Ecclesiology
- Biblical Images of the Church
- The Church: One and Holy
- The Church: Catholic and Apostolic
- Worship in the Church
- The Sacraments of the Church
- Baptism
- The Lord's Supper
VIII. Eschatology
- Death and the Intermediate State
- The Resurrection
- The Kingdom of God
- The Millennium
- The Return of Christ
- The Final Judgment
- Eternal Punishment
- Heaven and Earth Made New