Biblical Dogmatics

An outline of reformed systematic theology summarizing the works of John Calvin, Herman Bavinck, Louis Berkhof, R.C Sproul, and Joel Beeke.

Biblical Dogmatics
Spurgeon's Library

I. Prolegomena

  1. What Is Theology?—This article defines theology, the branches of theology, the loci of theology, and the assumptions made in systematic theology.
  2. The Purpose and Practice of Theology—This article reviews the purpose of theology, common objections to theology, and the spiritual requirements and practical methods to do theology.
  3. General Revelation and Natural Theology—This article covers divine revelation with a focus on general revelation and what knowledge is revealed through God's creation and man's conscience.
  4. God's Special Revelation—This article explains what is God's special revelation, the means of special revelation, its purpose, and its content.
  5. Inspiration and Authority of Scripture—This article explains how the Bible is God's Word, the doctrine of inspiration, and how and why the Bible has authority.
  6. Infallibility and Inerrancy of Scripture—This article summarizes the doctrines of infallibility and inerrancy of Scripture and provides their practical implications.
  7. Canonicity of Scripture—How do we know the sixty-six books of the Bible are Scripture? This article discusses the issue of canonicity of Scripture and its boundaries.
  8. Sufficiency of Scripture—This article defines the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture, summarizes what others have written about it, and gives its practical implications.

II. Theology Proper

  1. Knowledge of God—This article identifies the purpose, possibility, prerequisite, and priority of knowing God and also the perversity of rejecting the true God.
  2. One in Essence
  3. Three in Person
  4. Incommunicable Attributes
  5. Communicable Attributes
  6. The Will of God
  7. Providence

III. Anthropology

  1. Creatio Ex Nihilo
  2. Angels and Demons
  3. The Creation of Man
  4. The Nature of Sin
  5. Original Sin
  6. Transmission of Sin
  7. The Covenants

IV. Christology

  1. The Christ of the Bible
  2. One Person, Two Natures
  3. The Names of Christ
  4. The States of Christ
  5. The Offices of Christ
  6. Why Did Christ Die?
  7. Substitutionary Atonement
  8. The Extent of the Atonement

V. Pneumatology

  1. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
  2. The Holy Spirit in the New Testament
  3. The Paraclete
  4. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
  5. The Gifts of the Spirit
  6. The Fruit of the Spirit
  7. Are Miracles for Today?

VI. Soteriology

  1. Common Grace
  2. Election and Reprobation
  3. Effectual Calling
  4. Justification by Faith Alone
  5. Saving Faith
  6. Adoption and Union with Christ
  7. Sanctification
  8. Perseverance of the Saints

VII. Ecclesiology

  1. Biblical Images of the Church
  2. The Church: One and Holy
  3. The Church: Catholic and Apostolic
  4. Worship in the Church
  5. The Sacraments of the Church
  6. Baptism
  7. The Lord's Supper

VIII. Eschatology

  1. Death and the Intermediate State
  2. The Resurrection
  3. The Kingdom of God
  4. The Millennium
  5. The Return of Christ
  6. The Final Judgment
  7. Eternal Punishment
  8. Heaven and Earth Made New