Journaling as a Means for Spiritual Growth
Journaling can help us in many ways in our spiritual growth. Many men in Scripture and church history journal as a spiritual discipline.
A journal is a place in which a person records important personal information for preservation and consideration.
Examples of People Who Journaled
- David and the Psalms
- Jeremiah and Lamentations
- Augustine and Confessions
- Jonathan Edwards and Miscellanies and Notes on Scriptures
- George Whitfield and Diary
8 Reasons to Journal
- Journaling helps with self–understanding and evaluation.
- Journaling helps with meditation.
- Journaling helps express thoughts and feelings to God.
- Journaling helps remind us of God’s works.
- Journaling helps preserve a spiritual heritage.
- Journaling helps clarify and articulate insights.
- Journaling helps monitor goals and priorities.
- Journaling helps maintain other spiritual disciplines.
Additional Truths to Journaling
- Journaling is fruitful at any level of involvement.
- Journaling requires persistence.
- Journaling must begin before its value is experienced.
How to Journal
- Using notebook paper or common printer paper.
- Loose leaf vs. spiral-bound notebook.
- Hand written vs digital.