The Aseity and Immanence of God
God is self-existent and self-sustaining. His creation adds nothing to Him. This is God’s aseity. God also came near to us; He is immanent.
Activity: Emergency Preparedness List all the things that you would bring if you needed to live on a deserted island for 7 days.
What Do You Need To Live?
- food, water, clothing, shelter (home)
- family, friends, police, doctors, plumbers
- books, teachers, money, job
- We need God, but what does God need?
1. Aseity of God
God does not need anything.
- We need God, and we need many things.
- Acts 17v24-25
Nothing can be added to him.
- We can gain friends, money, strength, skills. But without God, we have nothing.
- James 1v17
- God possesses everything that is good. Any good that creation possesses comes from God.
God is unique. There is none like Him. God is not lonely. His creation adds nothing to His greatness and goodness. He does not derive his power and being from something else. This attribute is called God’s aseity.
2. Immanence of God (God Came Near)
Isaiah 57v15
- Although God is “high and lifted up,” he also chose to dwell among the “contrite and lowly spirit.”
- God chose to come to us not because He needed us. Rather, we need God to “revive the heart of the contrite.”
When a husband and wife love each other, they both have needs that the other people can meet.
God does not have needs. His love for His creation is completely unselfish.
- Romans 5v8
- 1 John 4v10
God came to us despite our sin through Jesus. Jesus is perfect and sinless. He died on the cross and took our place, paying the penalty of death that we deserved to pay.
- 2 Corinthians 5v21
When we turn away from our sin and trust in Jesus, God promises to forgive us.
- Romans 6v23