A Biblical Theology of Hospitality
This article is a succinct biblical theology of hospitality, which includes applications and practical tips for how to offer and receive hospitality.
Angie is a wife, mother, and disciple of Christ. After serving 10 years in Senegal, her family moved to Montreal, Quebec for ministry in 2017.
This article is a succinct biblical theology of hospitality, which includes applications and practical tips for how to offer and receive hospitality.
What is biblical theology and how it differs from systematic theology? This article answers these questions and explains why it is important.
Spiritual Growth
How can Christians pursue a proper fear of the Lord. Rejoice and Tremble, written by Michael Reeves, speaks on the joys from fearing the Lord.
Biblical Studies
This article covers several topics on the book of Psalms: purpose, questions to ask when reading, genre, origin of composition, and content.
Christian Books
Jesus, in Matthew 11:28–30, describes himself as "gentle and lowly." Dane Ortlund's book expounds on its implication to the Christian life.
Ancient statements of faith affirming the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith remain important. The most well-known is the Apostles' Creed.
Christian Life
Having lived in Senegal, Angie shares lessons from Scripture, other believers, and personal experience on how to show God's love to Muslim women.